(Originally Published May 2017)

WithloveTiffyjo: Original Blog

Hello all!

It’s that time of year full of good eats, gathering, and good all around joy where friends and family enjoy the comforts of each other’s company and I am here for all of it! This holiday is one of my favorite holidays! There’s just something special about loved ones gathering together to recognize how thankful there are of each other and life’s many adventures. So humbling! 

Since  Thanksgiving falls right after Halloween and Right before Christmas, it usually doesn’t get much love when it comes to home decor, sadly.  But I’m here to tell you that there is a way to keep it simple and minimal all while giving your home and family time to be reflective over this lovely holiday! 

I am going to share with you a quick and easy DIY involving.. you guessed it! Pumpkins! Pumpkins are amazingly versatile! They come in all shapes and sizes and they can also be transformed into whatever home look you are going for this season! I love pumpkins! It helps that they fit wonderfully with the fall season and of course Thanksgiving! 
Items you will need:

* Paint of your choice! I choose to go with Martha Sewerts Metallic gold paint, Martha Seeets Chalk board paint, and Wavelys chalk white paint (Not pictured)

*paint brushes 

*And of Course pumpkins (I choose these cute miniature pumpkins)

First I started off by washing my pumpkins with soap and water

Then I picked out which pumpkins were going with each color 

Next I let the fun begin!

To make it different I added gold stems to each of the pumpkins, helping the pumpkins looks nice and chic! Gotta love Chic!

After I let the pumpkins dry for about 1 hour and I styled to my desires! 

Simple cute and affordable! Can’t beat that! 

I decided to display the pumpkins on my mantle adding a couple fall colors candles and some nice Greenery for the perfect Holiday Touch!

I hope you all enjoy this loving and Thoughtful holiday! 

