Hello lovelies!

I’m excited to bring you a new DIY! A step by step on how to make your very own wooden bead garland. The estimated cost of this simple and affordable DIY is less than $15! Wooden garland has been everywhere! It adds so many different elements to a space. It also proves a great addition no matter your home style preference. You can use it pretty much anywhere, you can hang it, wrap it around household items, use it to style or add texture, use it as a statement piece, and so much more. This year I’ve decided to make use of wood garland by adding it as a Fall accent. I love the warmness that wood undertones give a space. It gives me all the fall feels!

Let’s jump right to it!

Materials needed:

-Twine color of your choice (I used a tan or natural colored twine)

-wood beads 


Step 1: Create tassels. 

Step 2: Create the tassels by wrapping twine around hand. Cut. (Hint: the more twine you wrap the thicker the tassel)

Next: Measure out the length of twine you want to use as your base (The wood beads will go onto this piece of twine). Cut. 

Step 3: Take the measured piece of twine (base) and tie a knot around looped twine 

Step 4: take any access twine and wrap it towards the top of loop

Step 5: Cut end of loop. Separating the loop and creating hanging strings (aka the tassel) Also cut off any access twine.

Step 5: Begin beading. This is done by sliding wood beads onto the twine.

After this is finished repeat steps 1-5 to create second of ending tassel. Attach.

And then Viola! You are finished!

I hope you found this DIY to be useful, easy and great way to add a little charm to your home!

I would love to know, how do you plan to use this garland in your home?

Let me know all about it in the comments below!

With Love,

Tiffy Jo